

If you have any questions about the GTAI delegation trips and conferences, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Simply fill out the contact form and we will get in touch with you promptly.

Alternatively, please feel free to contact us via telephone or e-mail.

Schützenstraße 44, 12165 Berlin, Germany

Your message:

Ihre Nachricht an uns:

Ferdinand Elsäßer

Senior Consultant

energiewaechter GmbH

Contact Person

Ferdinand Elsäßer is a senior consultant at the Berlin-based consultancy energiewaechter GmbH, where he has been organizing and accompanying foreign delegations to Germany for many years. With a degree from the University of Marburg and vocational stays in Mexico and China, Mr. Elsäßer has an in-depth knowledge of the energy industry in Germany and abroad and has moderated numerous international conferences on topics including green hydrogen, smart city, energy efficiency, etc.  As project manager for the GTAI inbound delegation trip, he is delighted to answer your queries.

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